Friday, May 16, 2008

The Last American Man by Elizabeth Gilbert

Not only has Eustace Conway lived in a teepee for the past two decades, but he has made his own clothes. Out of the animals he has killed. Using deer tendons for thread. So I thought this book would be fascinating. I guess I expected details on how exactly one makes thread out of deer tendons. But there is none of that. There's . . . a lot about his bad relationship with his father. Etc. This was so boring I barely finished it.


Janssen said...

I'm assuming this is the same Elizabeth Gilbert who wrote the uber-popular "Eat, Pray, Love" and if so, this is now two books with a brilliant premise and a poor follow-through.

Julie M. Smith said...

Very good observation--I wasn't all that keen on Eat, Pray, Love, either.

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