Thursday, April 27, 2006

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

I thoroughly enjoyed this--it is a fine specimen of the mystery/thriller/beachread genre. Needless to say, I thought the historical reconstruction of early Christianity left a little to be desired (what's the point of humanizing Jesus if you are going to marry him off to a goddess?), but it made for a fun book. I find it ironic that there are at least a half dozen 'The Truth about the DaVinci Code' type books, but no one who thinks that The DaVinci Code is truth. While the characterization left a little to be desired, there wasn't that much of it to wade through. This book has a great plot and it was a fun read.


Mom2the6Rs said...

My husband read this book before I did, and he kept bringing up stuff about it that he thought interesting and I remember saying to him, "Honey, remember, it is fiction." Then I read was hard for me, for some reason, to remember it was fiction. It kind of messed me up. But I got over it. It scares me a bit, because I saw the power it had over my spirit...I actually started mixing up the fiction and the faith that I have and I saw others around me doing the same. I know why there are all of those books published to explain it all. It is written in such a way as to convice you of truth, even presented in a fictional context. Bizarre. But...I have to admit...It couldn't put it down. That is the ultimate test of a "good" book, right?


Glaukôpis said...

Actually, I work at a bookstore, and you'd be surprised how many people don't quite understand that The DaVinci Code isn't fiction.

Nice blog, by the way.

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